Support Network

I am still sometimes amazed to learn that some people going into this type of change in their life, don’t have a support network. Things are crazy enough, don’t go it alone! Without support, I don’t know where I would be.

6a00d83451b4dd69e2010537154a31970b-800wiOur support networks give us, well you guessed it… support. They also offer encouragement, they challenge us — as iron sharpens iron, they motivate us, they cheer for us. They keep us accountable.  And, they tell us when what we’re doing isn’t really working.

Support Networks… like onions, come in layers.

Closest to you are the people who will keep you on course and accountable — a handful of key people. Maybe that looks like close friends, family members, or a spouse. Sometimes they are not our favorite people, because accountability isn’t always a walk in the park.  But, we realize how good they are for us.2885783824_ec87f1d791

Then we peel our secondary and tertiary layers. Friends, extended family, work contacts, and networking support groups.

Another part to having a support network, is keeping them informed. I sometimes have to remind myself to do just that.  You’d be surprised at how they can connect you to what you need and how many people really want to know!

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